Where do I find my screening login codes?
The Screening Codes are sent to the email address the purchaser provided when ordering. The subject line of the email is Well Screening Codes. Call 216-464-9006 or email if you need help with Well Screening Codes.
What do I need to administer the Well Screening®?
To deliver the Well Screening, you will need:
1. Broadband Internet access
2. One device (a computer or tablet) for the child to access the Well Screening
3. One device (a smart phone, tablet, or computer) for the adult to access the Scoring Form
The screening should be delivered in a quiet, distraction-free environment. Headphones with a splitter may be used by both the child and adult if extraneous noise is a concern. See the Instruction page to learn more.
How is performance measured?
The child's performance is compared to normative research and grade norms and placed into one of three categories: A Strength to Celebrate, On Track, or a Weakness to Bolster. A Weakness to Bolster may simply indicate that more exposure to a skill area(s) is needed. If the child performs below expectations on three or more subtests on the Well screening, enrichment in these areas should be initiated and further testing should be considered if there are concerns. See Sample Results.
What is the Well Screening?
The Well Screening® is an online screening tool, available at, designed to identify prekindergarten and kindergarten children at risk for speech, language, and learning disorders. It is a unique and comprehensive screener that draws from the specialized fields of speech-language pathology, education, psychology, and child development.
What areas does the Well Screening address?
The Well Screening looks at the following aspects of child development: receptive language, expressive language, social communication, early literacy, reading, attention, math calculation, and speech sound production. See Chapter 3 of the Well Screening® Examiner’s Manual to learn more.
Who completes the screener?
The child completes the screener with minimal supervision from an adult helper. Animated characters guide the child through the subtests, prompting responses accordingly. The adult follows along and enters the child’s oral responses into the Scoring Form. Please listen to the Instruction Video.
What research supports the Well Screening?
Supported by more than 30 years of clinical experience, the Well Screening was normed during psychometric studies that have established the tool’s reliability and validity. Please see Chapter 8 of the Well Screening® Examiner’s Manual to learn more.
Scoring and Results
How do you score the Well Screening and access the results?
The adult helper follows along and enters the child’s oral responses as correct or incorrect into the Scoring Form on the adult’s device. After the screening is completed, the helper enters the Scoring Code from the child's device into the Scoring Form, completes the demographic information, and Submits the information. The child’s Learning Profile is immediately generated and available. To view the child's Learning Profile at a later date, log back into the website, enter the child's unique Scoring Code, and press the “View Results” button.
What do the icons on the Learning Profile mean?
Next to each domain in the Learning Profile, you will see an icon indicating how the child performed in comparison to their same-age peers. The green icon with a smile indicates that the domain is a Strength to Celebrate. The yellow icon with a thumbs up indicates that the child is On Track in that domain. The red icon with an exclamation point indicates that the domain is a Weakness to Bolster. For any domain with a Weakness to Bolster icon, you should monitor the child’s progress and deliver enrichment in that domain. Click the “Next Steps” button next to each domain to see activities, games, and other resources to support such enrichment. See Sample Results.
When should further evaluation occur?
If a child perfrorms in the Weakness to Bolster category on three or more subtests, further evaluation should be considered. Please see Chapter 6 of the Well Screening® Examiner’s Manual to learn more.
Can I email results from the Well Screening to a colleague or a parent?
The Well Screening Learning Profile may be printed or downloaded locally as a PDF. Before emailing a report, be sure you are familiar with your school’s or program’s policies regarding sharing student information and the ways in which that information can be transmitted. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and other federal, state, or local regulations could be applicable, and you are responsible for knowing those policies and how to comply.
What devices do I need for the Well Screening?
The child completes the screening using a computer (PC or Mac) or tablet. The child should view the screen in landscape or wide orientation. Do not allow the child to complete the screener using a smartphone. The screen is too small for reliable administration.
The adult must also have a device to input the child’s oral answers into the Scoring Form. This device can be a smart phone, tablet, or computer.
If the child or adult is using a desktop or laptop computer, it must have speakers, JavaScript enabled, and use one of the approved operating systems (see the next question or the Technical Requirements on the Instruction page to learn more.
What operating system and browser do I need to have?
The following operating system and browsers can be used for the Well Screening:
Mac or Windows PC
Windows 10 or newer
Mac OS 10.13 or newer
Use one of the following Mac or PC browsers:
Chrome 73 or newer
Safari 13 or newer
Firefox 66or newer
iPad or iPhone
iOS 13 or newer with Safari browser
Android Device
Android 9.0 or newer with Chrome browser 73 or newer