If this is your first time conducting a Well Screening, please take a minute to review the instructions and video below.
InstructionsThe helper's job is to quietly sit beside the child, listen to Trip's directions, and record the child's responses using a smartphone, tablet, or computer.
Scoring Form (On your screen)The screening takes about 20 minutes to complete and is administered to the child using a desktop, laptop, or tablet.
Begin Screening (On child's screen)Understanding and processing language when listening
Receptive Language is what children do with information when listening. It is how they process and understand what they hear.
Children with good receptive language skills:
Characteristics of a receptive language disorder include confusion in the classroom, misunderstanding what they hear, responding to questions incorrectly, and problems communicating with friends.
Subtest 1: Language Processing measures the ability to comprehend basic sentence structures. After listening to an orally presented stimulus, the child points to one of three pictures that best represents the syntactic/grammatical form. Example: The boy is pushed by the girl.