Reading is a complex process. In kindergarten, it involves blending sounds into words (decoding). Decoding results in word recognition that will become automatic and accurate.

Children with good reading skills in kindergarten:

  • Apply letter/sound knowledge to sound out words
  • Have automatic recognition of some sight words
  • Have good vocabulary

Characteristics of a reading disorder include decoding and word recognition problems.

How the Well Screening can help

Subtest 9: Real Word Reading measures the ability to read real words. Two sight words, five regular pattern 2- and 3- letter words, two words with reversal potential, and three advanced blend words comprise the subtest. The words are placed in two columns on a page, and the child is asked to read them. Items are not for the public domain.

Subtest 10: Nonsense Word Reading measures the ability to sound out nonsense words. The nonsense word list starts out with simple 2- and 3-letter words with short vowels, then to double vowel words, and finally, more complex forms including digraphs and trigraphs. The nonsense words are placed in two columns on a page, and the child is asked to read them. Items are not for the public domain.

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