If this is your first time conducting a Well Screening, please take a minute to review the instructions and video below.
InstructionsThe helper's job is to quietly sit beside the child, listen to Trip's directions, and record the child's responses using a smartphone, tablet, or computer.
Scoring Form (On your screen)The screening takes about 20 minutes to complete and is administered to the child using a desktop, laptop, or tablet.
Begin Screening (On child's screen)Counting, grouping objects, and calculating simple math facts and operations
Math Calculation is the ability to count, group objects, and compute simple math facts and operations.
Children with good math calculation skills:
Characteristics of a math disorder include problems learning to count, recognizing math numbers, sequencing and patterning objects, learning one-to-one correspondence, manipulating numbers using mathematical operations.
Subtest 6: Calculation measures the ability to identify numbers, count, make one-to-one correspondences, compute simple math facts, compute math facts beyond age expectations, and “see” a small number of objects and know how many there are without counting (i.e., the ability to subitize). The child is shown numbers to name, objects to count, and simple and complex math computations to solve. Example: How many seashells are there?